크리모 홍원빈 공동대표가 제 29회 한국공학한림원 젊은공학인상을 수상하였다.
홍원빈 대표는 5G 분야에서 활용되는 ‘안테나 인 패키지’ 원천 기술을 개발하여 상용화에 성공하였으며, 세계 최초로 ‘디스플레이 내장형 안테나(Antenna on Display)’를 발명하여 기존 무선 단말 안테나 설계 방식을 세계 처음으로 정립한 공로를 인정 받아 본 수상자로 선정되었다. 한국공학한림원 젊은공학인상은 매년 공학 관련 기술, 연구, 교육, 경영 부문에서 한국의 산업 발전에 크게 기여한 공학기술인에게 수여된다. 수상 후보의 단일 업적이 아닌 평생 업적을 대상으로 하며 젊은공학인상은 만 50세 미만으로 나이를 제한해 선정한다.
KREEMO Co-CEO Wonbin Hong Receives the 29th Young Engineer Award from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea
Wonbin Hong, Co-CEO of KREEMO, has been honored with the 29th Young Engineer Award by the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK).
DR. Hong was recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to the commercialization of core technologies in the 5G field, particularly the development of "Antenna-in-Package" technology. Additionally, he was acknowledged for his invention of the world's first "Antenna on Display," which established a new standard in wireless device antenna design. This recognition underscores his significant contributions to advancing engineering and technology.
The Young Engineer Award by NAEK is presented annually to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Korea's industrial development in areas such as engineering, technology, research, education, and management. Unlike awards focused on a single achievement, it evaluates a candidate’s lifetime contributions. The Young Engineer Award specifically recognizes individuals under the age of 50.
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